Monday, March 2, 2009


so for my universe class...we had an exam about the constellations today. Im really mad at myself for not memorizing them point blank. i always prepare my materials a week before the exam...but i never really review then until the day before the exam..or hours before.what is wrong with me!? Dont i want good grades?! i really do...but why is it that i find my mind wandering somewhere else and focus on something else? Its really annoying and i hate it. I really want to do better in my classes but i feel like school is just not for me...haha well the work thats my true laziness talking...but seriously...what i want to do in my life i dont need to memorize the constellations. I want to travel and i want to do something real with my life with real people, not the people in my bubble. I wish i could do that. I AM SO SCARED about my future. i really am horrified about what is going to happen to me...=(

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