Friday, January 9, 2009

Break coming to a close

This time last year in 2007-2008 i was just figuring out what i wanted to do in the summer and what i wanted to do for the next semester. This time last year my focus was a little more hazy, but not going to be super focused when i get back to school. But heres a recap of my break when i wasnt sleeping and being lazy =)

The first official gathering with my friends =) christmas party

Christmas party at my place in 2007

The "tri" meetings =)...from this year

last year...

This past break =)

Last years dinner for Haneen...also a goodbye before she headed off to school

New years eve this year....on the train alone..haha

New years eve last year.....bahhh

So year 2008 you were good to me. I finished my first year as a college student..and renewed my faith this past summer. I wonder what the year of 2009 is to bring me. I am going through some things and i was hoping that my readers could uplift a prayer for me...i know i've changed a hoping to change even more...i can see that last winter break i didnt make the best choices...and even more...i can still see that im not making all the right choices...but im hoping that i will continue to grow in faith and just move forward for a brighter future =)

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